Root Canal Treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth.
They are replacing a missing tooth/teeth with a device that the patient can remove.
If you grind your teeth, Mdluli Dental can make custom-made plates to prevent this.
This is a shield that covers the teeth and surrounding tissues to prevent or reduce trauma during sports.
They are also known as Fillings is, a virtually undetectable way to save teeth that are decayed.
A fixed device that is surgically implanted in the jaw to replace one or more missing teeth.
This is a popular cosmetic procedure that is aimed at enhancing the brightness of the colour of the teeth.
Fixed dental restorations are used to replace one or more missing teeth by cutting the teeth on either side of the gap.
Also known as a dental cap, it covers a tooth when a large amount of tooth structure has been lost.